Why choose kids’ muay Thai?
why kids Muay Thai?
Put simply - it is a great activity for kids! It teaches key life skills such as discipline, hard work, cooperation, and communication, as well as developing a strong understanding of just how important regular exercise and structure are to your health, success, and well-being. In addition, while Muay Thai is an individual sport, allowing everyone to progress at their own pace, training and even competing is still very much considered to be a team effort.
benefits of kids’ muay Thai
Emphasizes the importance of hard work
It makes them more disciplined and determined
Increased mental toughness
Improves concentration and focus
Builds self-confidence and respect
Improves both mental health and physical fitness
Make new friendships
What are the benefits of kids’ muay Thai gradings?
Gradings allow students to check their progress and motivate them to train more regularly
Can enhance students’ technical knowledge and ability
By following the progression of a ranking system, students are provided with short and long-term goals to aim towards
The Excel Grading System helps to engrain a sense of determination and focus in students and promotes an attitude that is always striving for personal growth and continual learning