The excel grading system


Traditionally, Muay Thai doesn’t have a formal grading or ranking system typically seen in other forms of martial arts. At Excel Martial Arts, we give all of our students the option to grade or not. Our grading classes place a strong emphasis on martial fitness, technique, and resilience.

At Excel Martial Arts, singlets and armbands indicate the attainment of a certain level of competence that is tested through standardized assessments which are done during grading week. These are not arbitrary rankings and consider the fundamental aspects of each student’s Muay Thai ability, including their skill, experience, and dedication to the art.

The Excel Grading System strongly supports the idea that you must work hard to achieve higher rankings and show a substantial level of commitment to your chosen style. It is imperative that individuals take the time to earn their ranks in these complex martial arts disciplines. Their ranks signify the massive amount of dedication and discipline it has taken to earn their singlet or armband (pra jiads).

Benefits of muay Thai gradings

  • For students of all ages that do Muay Thai more casually and as a way to keep fit and active (rather than compete in fights), the Excel Grading System allows them to check their progress and motivates them to train more regularly

  • Can enhance students’ technical knowledge and ability

  • Gives students an opportunity to show off the skills and techniques that they have learned in class.

  • By following the progression of a ranking system, students are provided with short and long-term goals to aim towards

  • The Excel Grading System helps to engrain a sense of determination and focus in students and promotes an attitude that is always striving for personal growth and continual learning